Dev Update 10/26/2022 : Build 0.0.4 is here

Hello everyone! The first non-POC version of Sharing is Caring has been released!

This build doesn't add too much new content, but it does add a prologue/introduction that sets up the storyline and introduces the main characters. I am working on setting up a Patreon for those who are interested, that will be launching on November 1st, but future builds will be released for free at a delayed interval.

As always, I am open to constructive criticism, but please keep it polite, I have feelings too lol.

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Hmm, I had actually been wondering about the backstory for the events ingame, this actually answered those questions. Might I suggest using weekends for finding new characters, couples, and locations in game, maybe find a location at random, and finding a couple or characters being localized to the location? Characters can be assigned to find at lists and only be found at those locations perhaps?

Either way nice to see this project continuing, I hope your doing well.

I appreciate the feedback :) I do have plans to introduce some new characters in the next build, though for the time being things will progress in a fairly linear format until I can learn the programming side to make things more dynamic and random. I am also considering adding a map and various locations, but again I need to learn the code to be able to do so.